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Australia Has Developed Bendable Concrete That Can Better Resist Earthquakes

According to foreign media Engadget, scientists at Melbourne Swinburne University of Technology in Australia have recently developed a new process - bendable concrete that can better resist earthquakes. It is made from waste from coal-fired power plants and synthetic fibers, and can also reduce carbon emissions from manufacturing building materials. Foreign media say that in the future, bendable concrete may become mainstream.

Specifically, this new concrete uses fly ash, which is a byproduct of burning coal for power generation. In a sense, using ash to make concrete is an ancient technique. Roman engineers mixed volcanic ash and quicklime to create their iconic building materials, which is also one of the reasons why some of the structures they built still remain in their original state.

It is worth noting that the team from Swinburne University of Technology has managed to incorporate synthetic fibers into its concrete mixture and create a production process that can cure it without heating the mixture.



It is reported that this type of bendable concrete has two advantages: on the one hand, it is more environmentally friendly to produce. Due to the lack of heating limestone to produce cement, the team claims that compared to traditional flexible concrete, the energy required for manufacturing is reduced by 36%, and the production process also reduces carbon dioxide by 76%.

On the other hand, the polymer fibers inside the concrete allow it to withstand multiple "hair sized" fractures without breaking into individual fragments. According to Dr. Behzad Nematollahi, the researcher who developed this material, "its bendability is 400 times that of ordinary concrete, making it very suitable for use in areas with frequent earthquakes."

Public information shows that bendable concrete is no longer a new concept. It was developed by Victor Li, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Michigan, in the early 1990s. However, the ability to produce materials at reasonable prices has always been a question.

Extended reading:

More than 200000 construction workers have resumed work, with a cumulative production of 170000 cubic meters of concrete. Construction projects in Hangzhou have fully resumed work

On March 3rd, the reporter learned from the Municipal Construction Commission that as of 16:00 on March 2nd, there were 3562 normal ongoing projects in the city, with a 100% record resumption rate, except for those that do not require resumption of work temporarily; A total of 209226 people entered the construction area, and the resumption of work intensity in the entire city reached 62.33%.

In addition, the resumption intensity of municipal regulatory projects is 76.17%, and the resumption intensity of the five major construction entities at the municipal level is 90.8%. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, there have been no confirmed or suspected cases among personnel inside construction sites in Hangzhou.

The daily production of concrete exceeds 30000 cubic meters


Bidding is conducted on the cloud

Recently, the Municipal Commercial Concrete Management Center's big data monitoring found that out of 105 concrete enterprises in the city, 96 have resumed production capacity, providing a total of 174312.9 cubic meters of concrete for construction projects, with an average daily production capacity exceeding 30000 cubic meters, overall meeting the demand for concrete construction.

Behind the resumption of construction work and production, there is also a batch of projects that have completed transactions in the construction market and entered an orderly construction phase.

The person in charge of Hangzhou Zhijiang Municipal Construction Co., Ltd., the winning bidder for the road renovation project of Feiyunjiang Road (Qiutao Road Zhijiang Road), has just received the bid notification. He introduced, "We were bidding on the first project after the epidemic through the Hangzhou Municipal Tendering and Bidding Cloud Platform yesterday, and I didn't expect to be able to undertake the business without meeting."

Just yesterday, the bidding activities in the construction market resumed comprehensively, and 75 projects resumed normal trading procedures through the bidding online cloud platform. At present, 85 new project bidding approvals have been processed online in the city, 21 new project bidding documents have been filed, 3 bid openings have been completed, and 34 winning notices have been issued.

Activate "Hangzhou Construction Site Communication"

Dynamically grasp the entry and exit information of construction personnel


At the entrance of the construction area of Section 3 of Metro Line 7, steel reinforcement worker Xiao Wu is scanning the QR code "Hangzhou Construction Site Pass" posted next to the gate machine. Security officer Hu Gong said, "As long as you scan the construction site QR code, you don't need to show your health code or queue up at the gate, you can complete the health code verification and real name attendance in one go. The speed of checking and registering personnel entering and exiting the construction site has significantly accelerated."

From March 1, Hangzhou construction sites started to use the "Hangzhou Sitelink" on a pilot basis. Alipay was used to scan the site, collect the "Sitelink code" once, and instantly complete the data comparison between the "Hangzhou Health Code" and the "Real Name System Platform", and then enter the construction area. Management personnel dynamically grasp the entry and exit information of construction personnel on the day in the program data backend. As of 10:00 on March 3rd, there have been 188 projects in the city with 4592 people scanning codes to enter and exit the construction sites.

"We extend the concept of empowering work with the Hangzhou Health Code, and with the support of the urban brain, integrate the Hangzhou Health Code with the attendance big data of construction workers, playing a positive role in promoting scientific management of construction site personnel and addressing wage disputes among migrant workers from the source." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Construction Commission said, "This program provides strong support for the current epidemic prevention and control of construction sites and the resumption of work and production, gradually building a comprehensive, full chain, and closed-loop long-term management system for construction sites, personnel, and on-site activities."

Carry out personalized services

Ten groups of urban construction cadres visited 160 units through "three visits"

"In the 'Three Entries' activity, 48 construction companies reported difficulties in supplying, high prices, and difficult transportation of building materials such as steel bars, cement, and concrete. The voice of the companies is the direction we are striving for. Starting today, the Urban Construction Department will take the lead in providing personalized services, collecting the needs of construction companies every day, and assigning dedicated personnel to help coordinate market supply and transportation document processing. Kong Chunhao, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Construction Commission, made special arrangements at the discussion meeting on the collection of urban construction cadres'' Three Entries'.".

"From the recent situation of concrete production, there is sufficient supply of resumption projects in the city, but some resumption projects still face a shortage of manpower. We are collaborating with relevant departments of human resources and social security, traffic police, and labor export areas to carry out point-to-point construction worker charter transportation. It is expected that nearly 100000 construction workers will return to Hangzhou to resume work by mid March." said the person in charge of relevant departments of the Municipal Construction Commission.

It is reported that the "Three Entries" activity for urban construction cadres is an upgraded version of the "Three Services for Family Connection", with a focus on providing personalized services for the orderly resumption of work and production in construction enterprises. From February 19th to present, the leadership team of the Municipal Construction Commission has led 10 urban construction teams to visit 100 construction enterprises, 50 design institutes, and 10 industry associations. They have collected 232 specific issues, involving 15 categories and 156 sub items such as construction market supervision, epidemic prevention and control pricing adjustment, building material supply and transportation, approval system reform, personnel training and certification, and project price settlement.

It is understood that the Municipal Construction Commission will prioritize problem-solving in evaluating the results of the activity, provide personalized services for individual problems, and help enterprises overcome difficulties through departmental coordination, policy guidance, and joint problem-solving; To identify the root causes of common problems within the scope of responsibilities of the Construction Committee, formulate solutions, and form a management mechanism through policy patches, intelligent management, and smooth channels; For issues that are not within the scope of responsibility of the Construction Committee, it is necessary to conduct in-depth analysis, identify the root cause of the problem, propose targeted solutions, and submit them to relevant functional departments at the provincial and municipal levels for resolution.

Source: Global Network, Hangzhou Network

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