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Culture Leads High-Quality Development Of Enterprises

Narrowly defined corporate culture refers to the vision, mission, and various business and management concepts of an enterprise. It is the common belief and spiritual expression of all members of the organization, and is the soft power of the enterprise. So, the power of corporate culture is infinite, it is the compass for formulating corporate strategies and the accelerator for implementing corporate strategies. A company with high-quality development must have a first-class culture. A company that can span a century must have a profound cultural heritage, and its corporate culture can continue to innovate.

How to promote corporate culture and make it one of the core competitiveness of enterprises?

To do a good job in the enterprise and promote its high-quality development, there are three key elements from a management perspective: goals, teams, and opportunities. The goal is the goal and strategy, the team is the team and culture, and the mechanism is the system and mechanism. What is a goal? It means having a bottom line, a path, and a clear responsible person. What is a group? A team is an organization with spirit and energy. An organization with spirit and energy is called a team, while an organization without spirit and energy is at most called a gang. The third word is machine, which means system and mechanism, which should clarify the responsibilities and rights of each individual.

Corporate culture, as one of the three key elements for high-quality development of enterprises, plays an extremely important role. To build corporate culture into a banner for the inside and a window for the outside. The role of a flag is to guide the direction, the development direction of the enterprise, and the action direction of the enterprise personnel. For example, the sense of mission of "making the world no difficult business" has achieved today's Alibaba; The organizational vision of "enriching people's communication and life", coupled with a persistent spirit of struggle, has achieved today's Huawei.

Behind prosperity lies the economy, behind the economy lies the team, behind the team lies the system, behind the system lies the culture, and the core of culture is the concept. So in our organizational culture construction, the concepts, ideas, positioning, and role recognition of the main leaders of the enterprise, especially entrepreneurs, are very important because for most enterprises, corporate culture more reflects entrepreneurial culture.

The corporate culture of the group company is the construction of mother child culture, and one of the focuses of mother child culture construction is to achieve six integrations. One is to integrate with the mother culture, the second is to integrate with regional culture, the third is to integrate with industry culture, the fourth is to integrate with era culture, the fifth is to integrate with the historical culture of the enterprise, and the sixth is to integrate with China's excellent traditional culture.

There are many ways to implement corporate culture. For example, there is a three-step approach to implementation: the first step is to propose a concept, the second step is to develop a case study, and the third step is to establish a mechanism. This "three step melody" will achieve good results through continuous circulation and repetition. Proposing ideas is to propose ideas and values, forming something written in writing; To promote cases is to introduce typical characters and events, including positive and negative cases, which need to be tackled with both hands and both hands must be firm; Establishing mechanisms is to develop systems and mechanisms that ensure the continuous emergence of positive characters and events under the guidance of ideas and values. The ultimate foothold lies in the system and mechanism.

Napoleon once said that there are two powers in the world, the spirit and the sword, and countless historical facts have proven that the spirit can always conquer the sword. This demonstrates the power of spirit and the importance of culture in organizations. What we say is related to assessment, and how we do it is related to culture. The role of mechanisms is to prevent those who want to make mistakes from making mistakes, while the role of culture is to prevent those who have the opportunity to make mistakes from making them.

For a company, especially in the construction industry, with so many employees from all over the world, what can we rely on to unify our thinking and unite people's hearts? If we want to make short-term profits, we should plant "flowers" (selling products); if we want to pursue long-term profits, we should plant "trees" (building systems); if we want to maintain a sustainable business, we should sow culture and ideas (shaping culture).

The concept of "integrating culture and building craftsmanship" was proposed in this forum, which is very important. To achieve high-quality development and long-lasting foundation, construction enterprises must integrate culture and craftsmanship.


(Polpar steel fiber/steel fiber reinforced concrete)