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​Hainan Province Issues a Notice On Accelerating The Comprehensive Resumption Of Construction And Municipal Engineering Projects In Housing Construction

Recently, it was learned that the Housing and Urban Rural Development Department of Hainan Province has issued a notice on accelerating the comprehensive resumption of construction and municipal engineering projects (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), promoting the comprehensive resumption of construction and municipal engineering projects. 


The Notice clearly states that, while ensuring epidemic prevention and control, government investment projects, especially key projects, should be promoted in accordance with the principle of timely resumption of work. Actively support and accelerate the resumption of all social investment projects represented by real estate projects. On the basis of implementing the requirements of precise epidemic prevention and control through zoning and grading, the housing and construction departments of each city and county have strengthened their assistance to enterprises, urged relevant enterprises to implement detailed measures, and achieved comprehensive resumption of work for projects as soon as possible.

The Notice requires that the housing construction departments of all cities and counties should strictly implement the regulations on reporting the resumption of work to the competent departments of the industry in accordance with the Notice of the Headquarters for the Prevention and Control of the novel coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Epidemic in Hainan Province on doing a good job in the prevention and control of the resumption of work and production of enterprises (QJPZ [2020] No. 14), and urge the resumption of work projects to use the "project tracking service" system to do a good job in the registration of the resumption of work and the updating and filling of project information in accordance with the requirements of the Notice on the Implementation of Notification and Commitment Filing of the Resumption of Work during the Epidemic Period (QJGH [2020] No. 20) issued by the Provincial Housing and Urban Rural Development Department. Those who fail to fill in information according to regulations shall be dealt with seriously by relevant enterprises and individuals. Implement a "daily report" system, and the housing and construction departments at the city and county levels should designate a dedicated person to be responsible for reporting to the provincial housing and construction department on a daily basis on the commencement and resumption of project work. For the housing and construction departments of cities and counties that fail to handle the procedures for resuming work and report relevant information in accordance with regulations, the Hainan Provincial Housing and Construction Department will provide interviews, notifications, and copy the municipal and county governments.

To ensure the supply of materials for housing construction and municipal administration, the Notice also proposes that the housing and construction departments of each city and county should supervise the resumption of production of pre mixed concrete enterprises. Before resuming production, pre mixed concrete enterprises should refer to the Notice on the Implementation of Notice and Commitment Filing for Project Resumption during the Epidemic, and fill in the required information through the "Project Tracking Service" system to handle the resumption filing procedures with the local housing and construction department where the enterprise is located.

Notice on Accelerating the Comprehensive Resumption of Housing and Municipal Engineering Projects

Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureaus of each city, county, and autonomous county, Planning and Construction Land Bureau of Yangpu Economic Development Zone, and relevant units:

In order to fully implement the deployment requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government to coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and accelerate the comprehensive resumption of construction and municipal engineering projects, in accordance with the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee meeting, the following work notice is hereby issued:

一、 Accelerate the comprehensive resumption of construction and municipal projects. In the context of epidemic prevention and control, government investment projects, especially key projects, should resume work as soon as possible in accordance with the principle of full recovery, and actively support and accelerate the resumption of all social investment projects represented by real estate projects. The housing and construction departments of each city and county should implement the precise epidemic prevention and control requirements of our province's zoning and grading, strengthen assistance to enterprises, supervise relevant enterprises to implement detailed measures, and achieve the comprehensive resumption of work of projects as soon as possible.

二、  Timely and accurately grasp the resumption of project work. The housing construction departments of all cities and counties shall, in accordance with the Notice of Hainan Provincial Command for the Prevention and Control of novel coronavirus Pneumonia on the Prevention and Control of the Enterprise's Resumption of Work and Production (QYZ [2020] No. 14, Annex 1), strictly implement the provisions on the reporting of the resumption of work and production to the competent authorities of the industry, and urge the resumption of work projects to use the "Project Tracking Service" system to do a good job of the project resumption of work and update and fill in the project information according to the requirements of the Notice on the Implementation of Notification and Commitment Filing of Project Resumption during the Epidemic Period (QJGH [2020] No. 20, Annex 2) and the Notice on the Implementation of Site Tracking Service during the Epidemic Period (Annex 3) issued by the Provincial Housing and Urban Rural Development Department. If it is required to fill in information, relevant enterprises and individuals shall be seriously punished. Implement a "daily report" system, and the housing and construction departments at the city and county levels should designate a dedicated person to be responsible for reporting to the provincial housing and construction department on a daily basis on the commencement and resumption of project work. For the municipal and county housing and construction departments that fail to handle the procedures for resuming work and report relevant information in accordance with regulations, the Provincial Housing and Construction Department will provide interviews, notifications, and copy the municipal and county governments.

三、 Carry out the resumption of production in pre mixed concrete enterprises. The housing and construction departments of each city and county should urge pre mixed concrete enterprises to do a good job in resuming production, ensuring that the supply of concrete can meet the needs of engineering construction. Before resuming production, pre mixed concrete enterprises should refer to the Notice on the Implementation of Notice and Commitment Filing for Project Resumption during the Epidemic, and fill in the required information through the "Project Tracking Service" system (Attachment 4) to handle the resumption filing procedures with the local housing and construction department where the enterprise is located.

Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development

February 21, 2020

(This matter has been publicly released)

Source: People's Daily Online

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