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Technical Scheme For Prevention And Control Of Covid-19 In Industrial Enterprises And Construction Enterprises

In order to guide industrial enterprises and construction enterprises to implement the requirements for the prevention and control of the COVID-19, and to achieve a steady and orderly resumption of work and production, this plan is formulated in accordance with the Guidelines for the Prevention and Control Measures for the Resumption of Work and Production of Enterprises and Institutions.

一、Strengthen the leadership of epidemic prevention and control organizations




1. Establish epidemic prevention and control institutions. The main person in charge of the enterprise is the first person responsible for epidemic prevention and control. It is necessary to establish an epidemic prevention and control organizational structure, establish an internal epidemic prevention and control system, formulate epidemic prevention and control work plans, and clarify emergency measures and disposal processes for epidemic prevention and control.




2. Implement epidemic prevention and control responsibilities. Enterprises should implement prevention and control responsibilities to departments, teams, positions, and individuals, and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, material reserves, living security, and public security. Assign a dedicated person to be responsible for temperature monitoring, ventilation and disinfection, distribution of personal protective equipment, publicity and education, and designate a dedicated person to be responsible for collecting and reporting the epidemic prevention and control situation of the unit.



二、 Strengthen employee management and health monitoring




3. Organize employees to return to work in an orderly manner. Dispatch in advance to master the health condition of returning employees, and reasonably organize returning employees in batches who meet the epidemic prevention and control requirements. For returning employees who can be transported in a centralized manner, it is encouraged to use specialized or chartered vehicles for transportation and take protective measures.




4. Strictly manage returning employees. Establish an employee health ledger, report and classify according to local requirements for health management. Establish a hotline for reporting suspicious symptoms, and when employees experience suspicious symptoms, they should promptly and truthfully report to their unit.




5. Conduct daily temperature checks. Conduct temperature checks on employees during their daily commute and keep records. Designate a dedicated person to summarize the health status of employees every day, report to the local disease control department, and immediately report any abnormal situations and take corresponding prevention and control measures.

三、Workplace epidemic prevention and management

(一)Mining enterprises.

6. Registration and management of factory entrances and exits. Conduct temperature checks on employees entering and exiting the factory area. If any abnormal temperature is found, immediately transfer them to a temporary isolation area and dispose of them in accordance with relevant regulations. Strengthen the registration and management of external personnel, and minimize unnecessary entry of external personnel as much as possible; Those who need to enter the factory area must inquire about their unit, health status, and contact with personnel in the epidemic area. They must meet the temperature test requirements and wear a mask before entering the factory.

7. Mine prevention and control management. According to the characteristics of different processes such as mining and excavation, a staggered commuting system is adopted, with reasonable diversion to effectively avoid concentrated personnel entering and exiting the well.

Ride on transportation vehicles such as cages, carriages, overhead passenger devices (monkey cars), and trackless rubber wheeled vehicles in different time periods and batches. Set a maximum number of passengers for cages, carriages, and trackless rubber wheeled vehicles and disperse them. Increase the distance between overhead passenger devices (monkey cars).

Shorten the pre shift meeting time, ensure good ventilation in the meeting room, and ensure that attendees wear masks and increase seat spacing.

During the mining process, operations such as drilling, support, and gas extraction should avoid personnel gathering, and the number of workers and working time on the return air side of the working face should be minimized as much as possible.

Reasonably organize and arrange class meals, ensuring that meals are served in different time periods, regions, and batches.

Under safe conditions, use effective disinfectants (alcohol is prohibited) to disinfect the main ventilation fans, local ventilation fans, roadway surfaces, chambers, and transportation vehicles at regular intervals every day.

Before conducting underground operations, equipment, facilities, and labor tools that are frequently in contact should be disinfected. Set up a hand washing basin at the wellhead and equip it with necessary toiletries. The mining lamps, self rescue devices, and personnel positioning cards returned by personnel after leaving the well should be disinfected before being returned.

Changing clothes and taking showers should be done in different time periods and batches. Showers should be used, and distance from others should be increased during bathing. After taking a shower and changing clothes, leave as soon as possible.

8. Prevention and control management of open-pit mines. Perforation, loading, and transportation operations should prioritize the use of mechanized, highly automated, and air-conditioned cab equipment. Drivers should disinfect the cab when changing positions. When vehicles enter and exit, the gatekeeper and driver should avoid unnecessary contact.

9. Other mining prevention and control management. For equipment operated by multiple people, the surfaces of objects or components that are frequently touched by personnel such as operating buttons and handles should be disinfected regularly. For positions where gloves are allowed for operation, employees should try to wear gloves for operation.

(二)、 Manufacturing industry and enterprises engaged in the production and supply of electricity, heat, gas, and water.

10. Registration and management of factory entrances and exits. Conduct temperature checks on employees entering and exiting the factory area. If any abnormal temperature is found, immediately transfer them to a temporary isolation area and dispose of them in accordance with relevant regulations. Strengthen the registration and management of external personnel, and minimize unnecessary entry of external personnel as much as possible; Those who need to enter the factory area must inquire about their unit, health status, and contact with personnel in the epidemic area. They must meet the temperature test requirements and wear a mask before entering the factory.

11. Workplace cleaning and disinfection. Maintain a clean and hygienic work environment, and disinfect regularly. Clean and disinfect the surfaces of objects in the workplace, and regularly disinfect the surfaces of objects or components that are frequently touched by personnel such as operating buttons and handles. Employees are allowed to wear gloves during operations as much as possible.

12. Ventilation in the workplace. The workplace should strengthen ventilation and maintain indoor air circulation. Natural ventilation is preferred when the process allows, and mechanical ventilation is supplemented when natural ventilation cannot meet the requirements. For factories using mechanical ventilation, sufficient fresh air input should be ensured, and the per capita fresh air volume should be ≥ 30m3/h. When using the central air conditioner for ventilation, the air conditioning system should be managed according to the Guide for Operation and Management of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems in Offices and Public Places during the Epidemic Period of novel coronavirus Pneumonia, the air conditioning system should be cleaned regularly, and the air conditioning return outlet filter screen should be disinfected. Turn off the return air system when using fresh air mode.

(三)、 Construction enterprises.

13. Implement closed management. Strictly implement fully enclosed management for construction projects, implement entry and exit registration and temperature monitoring, and set up 24-hour posts. Encourage dedicated vehicles to pick up and drop off employees for engineering projects located far from the construction site in the living area.

14. Reduce personnel gathering. Control the number of activity units and carry out pre class education, technical briefing, and other activities in a dispersed manner. Optimize the process connection, control the flow of personnel from different work teams on the construction site, and reduce personnel gathering.

15. Optimize construction technology. Advanced process technology should be adopted to achieve "mechanized personnel replacement and automated personnel reduction". Construction equipment, testing instruments, etc. should be used by dedicated personnel, with the principle of "one person, one machine". If used alternately, disinfection treatment should be carried out.

(四)、 Epidemic prevention and management in public areas

16. Meeting management. Control the frequency and scale of meetings, and try to shorten the meeting time as much as possible. Advocate the use of online meetings such as video and telephone. For meetings that must be held in a centralized manner, participants must take personal protective measures.

17. Dining management. The employee cafeteria should be equipped with hand washing facilities and disinfection supplies for diners to wash their hands and disinfect. Do a good job in disinfecting cookware and tableware. If the disinfection conditions are not met, use disposable tableware. Take measures such as dividing meals and staggered meals to reduce gatherings of people. Avoid sitting face to face during meals and avoid talking to others.

18. Dormitory management. Employee dormitories should strictly control the number of occupants, set up windows that can be opened, and have regular ventilation. Mechanical ventilation equipment such as exhaust fans should be installed in dormitories with poor ventilation. The washroom is equipped with a sink and disinfectants, which are cleaned regularly.

19. Cleaning and disinfection. Arrange dedicated personnel to regularly disinfect office areas, meeting spaces, living facilities, and other personnel activity areas and related items. Frequent contact areas such as elevator buttons and door handles should be disinfected more frequently.

20. Provide good medical services. Enterprises that establish medical clinics should allocate necessary drugs and protective materials, and cooperate with disease control departments to carry out standardized isolation observation and tracking management. Enterprises that have not established medical clinics should establish contact with nearby medical institutions to ensure that employees receive timely treatment or medical services. Caring for and caring for the mental health of employees, and promptly relieving their psychological stress.

21. Garbage collection and treatment. Set up specialized recycling bins for masks in public areas, strengthen the cleaning of garbage bins, and regularly disinfect them. Strengthen garbage classification management, collect and clear in a timely manner.

(五)、 Guide employees to take good personal protective measures

22. Strengthen publicity and education. Enterprises should provide epidemic prevention and control education to employees, so that they can master the correct knowledge of wearing masks, cleaning and disinfection, and enhance their self-protection awareness. Post health and epidemic prevention propaganda posters, posters, and other promotional materials in prominent locations in the factory and living areas.

23. Strengthen personal protection. Employees should wear masks that meet the requirements throughout the entire process upon entering the factory or construction site. For workplaces exposed to dust, KN95/N95 and above replaceable filter cotton half mask and full mask shall be preferentially selected, and the filter element shall be regularly disinfected and replaced. During use, the protective performance shall be effectively prevented from being reduced due to spray, water curtain and wet operation wetting the filter element. Workers who come into contact with chemical toxins should not only be equipped with gas masks (including filter boxes) that are suitable for occupational hazards, but also choose filter cotton with anti particle function according to the situation of workers in the workplace. Disposable medical masks can be worn in areas such as dormitories, canteens, bathhouses, ground duty rooms, offices, and rest rooms.

24. Maintain good hygiene habits. Strengthen hand hygiene, especially after wearing and removing masks/masks, changing filter cotton, and washing hands in a timely manner. When there are no hand washing facilities on site, disposable disinfectants can be used for disinfection. When sneezing or coughing, cover with tissues, handkerchiefs, sleeves, etc. Advocate for a healthy lifestyle such as a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and regular sleep.

25. Strengthen post class activity management. During the rest period, employees should reduce unnecessary outings and avoid crowded places, especially those with poor air flow. They are not allowed to gather for chatting, playing cards, etc., in order to reduce the risk of infection during gatherings.

(六)、 Handle and report abnormal situations properly

26. Establish an isolated observation area. When employees experience suspicious symptoms, they should promptly go to the area for temporary isolation, report to the local disease control department, and arrange for employees to seek medical treatment nearby in accordance with relevant regulations.

27. Close the relevant areas and disinfect them. After discovering suspicious symptoms, employees should be immediately isolated from their work positions and dormitories, and their workplaces and living quarters should be further sealed according to medical observation. Unauthorized personnel are strictly prohibited from entering, and their activity areas and use items should be disinfected under the guidance of professional personnel. Cooperate with relevant parties to take preventive and control measures for close contacts.

28. Take appropriate measures to deal with cases after they are discovered. Once a company discovers a case, it should implement prevention and control measures to prevent internal spread and external output, cooperate with relevant departments to carry out epidemiological investigations, track and manage close contacts, and disinfect epidemic areas. According to the severity of the epidemic, the workplace will be temporarily closed until the epidemic is under control before resuming production.


Source: National Health Commission

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