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Indoor And Outdoor Water Supply And Drainage Fire Protection Design Of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital

On January 23, the Wuhan Municipal Government decided to build a special hospital for COVID-19 patients - Huoshenshan Hospital according to the model of Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital. Huoshenshan Hospital adheres to the principle of "clean sewage separation, doctor-patient separation, and personnel separation" and adopts a strict "three zones and two channels" design. Medical staff arrange their work areas according to the workflow of "clean area semi polluted area polluted area polluted area". Today, I will share with you the indoor and outdoor plumbing and fire protection design of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital.

一、Main design basis for water supply and drainage (including but not limited to)

Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings (GB50016-2014) (2018 Edition)

Code for Design of Infectious Disease Hospital Buildings (GB50849-2014)

Code for Design of General Hospital Buildings (GB51039-2014)

Design Standard for Outdoor Water Supply (GB50013-2018)

Design Code for Outdoor Drainage (GB50014-2006) (2016 Edition)

Design Standard for Building Water Supply and Drainage (GB50015-2019)

Technical Specification for Hospital Sewage Treatment Engineering (HJ2029-2013)

Design Specification for Hospital Wastewater Treatment (CECS07:2004)

"Emission Standards for Water Pollutants in Medical Institutions" >(GB18466-2005)

二、 Design scope

According to the requirements of the owner and user, this design mainly includes the following systems:

1. Outdoor water supply and fire protection system

2. Outdoor sewage system (sewage disinfection and treatment system)

3. Outdoor rainwater system (rainwater disinfection and treatment system)

4. Indoor water supply and drainage system

三、 Outdoor water supply and fire protection design

1. Municipal water source

According to the information provided by the local water department, there is a DN800 current water supply pipe under the municipal road on the west side of the project site, with a water pressure of about 0.16-0.2MPa, which can be used for this project.

2.Outdoor water supply system design


Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital is a non permanent wartime hospital with 1000 beds. The hospital body is assembled in containers or panel houses, with 1-2 floors. In order to reduce the intermediate pollution links of water sources and ensure water quality safety, under the premise of high standard supply measures such as "dual water plant water supply" adopted by the local water department for DN800 water supply main pipes, a combined supply method of municipal direct supply and non negative pressure water supply equipment is adopted. Normally, the project water is supplied by pressurized non negative pressure water supply equipment. In case of equipment failure, measures such as opening and switching valves can be taken to switch to municipal direct supply. Additionally, a chlorination machine interface and a detection interface should be reserved on the suction pipe of the equipment. When the residual chlorine content in the pipeline network does not meet the standard during daily testing, the chlorination machine can be directly connected to automatically add chlorine containing disinfectants at a certain ratio, ensuring the safety of water supply in the pipeline network.

3. Outdoor Fire Protection System Design

The outdoor fire protection system is low pressure and is combined with the water supply system pipeline network. Several above ground outdoor fire hydrants are installed on it, with a spacing of no more than 120 meters. A diversion preventer is installed in front of the outdoor fire hydrants to provide water for fire trucks to extinguish fires.

4. Water supply design for morgues, garbage storage rooms, and disinfection rooms

The morgue, garbage storage room, and disinfection room are all reserved with water supply interfaces outdoors. Install backflow preventers in front of outdoor morgues, garbage storage rooms, and disinfection rooms.

四、Outdoor sewage system (sewage disinfection and treatment system)

1 Outdoor drainage system

Outdoor drainage adopts a rainwater and sewage separation system.

2. Outdoor sewage system design

Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital is an infectious disease hospital, and all professional designs should follow the basic principle of "three zones and two channels". To ensure that medical staff in the clean area are not infected by viruses and pathogenic bacteria in the polluted area, two independent sewage pipelines are set up outdoors, namely the polluted area sewage pipeline network and the clean area sewage pipeline network, corresponding to the collection of domestic sewage from patients in the polluted area of the ward and the domestic sewage of medical staff in the clean area. Both sewage pipes are directly discharged to the pre contact disinfection tank for disinfection.

3. Sewage disinfection and treatment system

Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital is an infectious disease hospital, and domestic sewage must be disinfected and meet the water quality standards before it can be discharged.

Pre disinfection+secondary treatment+advanced treatment+disinfection process shall be adopted for treatment and discharge after reaching the water pollution discharge limit for infectious diseases and tuberculosis medical institutions in the Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Medical Institutions (GB18466-2005). According to the Technical Specifications for Hospital Sewage Treatment Engineering (HJ2029-2013) and relevant engineering experience, the process is determined as follows:


Wastewater treatment process flowchart ▲

The pre disinfection process section is located at the end of the pipeline network, in front of the septic tank. The pre disinfection process uses liquid chlorine to pre disinfect hospital sewage, with a contact time of 3 hours. After pre disinfection, the sewage enters the septic tank.

The secondary treatment adopts MBBR biochemical treatment process. MBBR uses a carrier with low density, large specific surface area, high biomass attached to its surface, long food chain, high sludge concentration, and low sludge production. When the biofilm is fully loaded, the density is approximately 1, and the power consumed by the carrier for fluidization in the reactor is small. The MBBR method has better treatment efficiency than the activated sludge method. Under the same load conditions, the HRT is short, the volume is small, the infrastructure cost is low, and the operating cost is low.

The deep treatment process uses a coagulation settler for mud water separation, while further reducing the concentration of suspended solids.

In response to the characteristics of this epidemic, liquid chlorine is used as a disinfectant. Liquid chlorine is the only highly efficient disinfectant (sterilizer) among internationally recognized chlorine containing disinfectants. It can kill all microorganisms, including bacterial propagules, bacterial spores, fungi, mycobacteria, and viruses. Its mechanism of killing microorganisms is that liquid chlorine has a strong adsorption and penetration ability on the cell wall, which can effectively oxidize enzymes containing thiol groups in cells and quickly inhibit the synthesis of microbial proteins to destroy microorganisms.

Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital is a non permanent infectious disease hospital. The sludge generated during the sewage treatment process is discharged into the sludge storage tank, which is disinfected and dehydrated to below 80%. It is then centrally cleared and treated by qualified hazardous waste treatment units.

After collecting the odor from the sewage treatment station, it is adsorbed by high-efficiency activated carbon and disinfected by ultraviolet photocatalysis before being discharged.

4 Outdoor rainwater system (rainwater disinfection and treatment system)

This project is located near natural water bodies. In order to maximize the protection of the existing natural environment and reduce pollution to the surrounding water bodies, the rainwater adopts a fully recovered and non infiltration scheme. The construction profession lays anti-seepage films in the entire area, which are below 400mm from the outdoor ground to ensure that all rainwater does not enter the underground. They are collected by the rainwater system's rainwater inlet, and the collected rainwater flows into the total effective volume of 4500m by gravity ³ The rainwater storage tank, after staggered storage, is pressurized and lifted by the integrated rainwater pump station before being discharged to the sewage treatment plant. To reduce the treatment load of the sewage treatment plant, chlorine pipes are installed in the integrated rainwater pump station to pre disinfect the rainwater with chlorine.

5 Outdoor drainage structures

Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital is an infectious disease hospital. In order to ensure the safety of the outdoor atmospheric environment and avoid secondary pollution, the outdoor sewage pipeline network is a sealed system. It is required that all pipelines and structures have manhole covers sealed, and all sewage pipeline interfaces are reinforced with concrete full packaging. In addition, to ensure smooth drainage of the system, ventilation pipes are installed in suitable outdoor inspection wells to discharge to the atmosphere on the roof. Efficient filtration and disinfection measures are taken at the ventilation pipe openings.

五、Indoor water supply and drainage system

1.Indoor water supply and drinking water system

1.1 The indoor water supply system is not divided vertically, and backflow prevention devices are installed at the beginning of the water supply pipe entering the polluted area. Non contact or non manual switches are used at the water points in the following places: washbasins, urinals, and toilets in public restrooms; Wash basins in nursing stations, treatment rooms, central (disinfection) supply rooms, intensive care units, consultation rooms, laboratories, and other rooms; Other sanitary appliances in places with sterile requirements or requiring prevention of hospital infections.

1.2 Drinking water is prepared by an electric water heater.

2. Indoor hot water system

The ward bathroom and medical staff shower area provide hot water supply, which is a distributed system prepared by a thermal storage electric water heater.

3 Indoor drainage system

3.1 The sewage and wastewater in the indoor clean area and the polluted area shall be separately set up with pipe networks and discharged into the corresponding small municipal pipe networks outdoors.

3.2 In order to reduce air pollution and minimize the placement of floor drains, floor drains should be installed in preparation rooms, sewage washing rooms, bathrooms, bathrooms, air conditioning rooms, etc. Nurse rooms, treatment rooms, consultation rooms, laboratories, doctor offices, and other rooms should not have floor drains.

3.3 The floor drain adopts a water sealed floor drain with a filter screen and a water trap. The water seal of the trap shall not be less than 50mm and shall not exceed 75mm.

3.4 Install high-efficiency filters and ultraviolet disinfection devices at the ventilation pipe mouth of the drainage riser.

3.5 The condensate water from the air conditioning system is collected and discharged in an organized manner, and enters the sewage disinfection treatment station for unified disinfection.

4. Indoor fire protection facilities

4.1 Indoor fire hose reel, containing one 19mm hose reel with a length of 30m, shall be installed. In case of fire, indoor personnel shall carry out self rescue and escape.

4.2 Indoor ammonium phosphate dry powder fire extinguishers shall be installed according to the severity level, with a maximum protection distance of 15m.

Water supply and drainage professional designers:

Li Chuanzhi, Zhang Fan, Wan Fang, Chen Yu, Liu Bin, Zhang Zhonglin, Yu Yangguang, Zhou Junji, Liu Junlin, Li Weiwu, Zhu Weiming, Tian Huan, Wang Haiyue, Huang Wei

Source: This article is from CITIC Architectural Design and Research Institute, for sharing and exchange only, and does not represent the views of this website. The copyright belongs to the 

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