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Current Status And Future Trends Of Civil Engineering Technology Development

Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, various aspects of China's society have made great progress. In recent years, with the passage of time, civil engineering in China has also attracted people's attention and had a significant impact on economic development. After years of research and efforts by relevant personnel, the construction industry has achieved surprising results in the civil engineering industry. Both structural design theory and methodology, as well as structural mechanics analysis, have made the latest progress, which has attracted people's attention.

Modern architecture has created a new natural environment for human society and has become an important component of modern civilization. As a major industry in our country, the construction industry is directly related to the pace of development and construction in our country. After the reform and opening up, the development of high-rise buildings in China has entered a new stage and has become a shining star in the global village.

1. The Development Status of Civil Engineering Technology

1.1 Civil engineering is currently in a rapid development stage

Civil engineering is an important component of China's national economy. In the era of rapid socio-economic development, the construction industry is also developing rapidly. Given the current development of civil engineering in China, it is mainly reflected in high-rise buildings, transportation facilities, and water conservancy projects. With the rapid development of urbanization in our country, solving the contradiction between the rapidly growing urban population and building land has created enormous opportunities for the development of high-rise buildings. There are currently over 1000 high-rise buildings in China that exceed 100 meters in length, with a total of over 20000 high-rise buildings, which is closely related to the development of civil engineering. In this sense, civil engineering will promote social development. In addition to high-rise buildings, civil engineering also plays an important role in the development of transportation facilities. Road traffic is the cornerstone of China's economic development. The number of roads, bridges, railways, and other facilities continues to grow and is forming a transportation network. At the same time, in order to ensure safe travel and reduce traffic accidents, it is necessary to continuously improve the construction quality of transportation facilities in China.


1.2 Actively introducing various new building materials

Widely used as new building materials in construction projects will help improve building quality. Meanwhile, the use of new materials can reduce investment costs and improve building quality. Therefore, actively introducing new building materials and gradually replacing traditional building materials. For example, using concrete materials instead of cement materials. Another example is that new materials such as tempered glass, carbon fiber, and coated glass are widely used in civil engineering construction [1].

1.3 Start using prestressing technology

Structural reinforcement is an important building strategy in the field of architectural development. Its main purpose is to ensure the construction quality of the building. This is because prestressing technology can improve the structure of buildings. At the same time, the structure of the building will experience an increase in internal stress due to the increased pressure exerted by prestressing, thereby ensuring the structural stability and stability of the building.

1.4 The structural design of civil engineering is becoming increasingly perfect

Structural design is the most important factor affecting structural quality. Basically, improving the design of the structure is crucial to ensure the overall quality of the building. Due to the rapid development of the social economy and the continuous advancement of science and technology, earthquake and wind loads are widely used in civil engineering and construction. Due to the current situation, China's building structures are developing towards height and flexibility.


2. The Development Trends of Civil Engineering

With the development of human society, people's demand for resources is increasing, and Earth's resources are becoming increasingly limited. It is worth mentioning that human labor and life will undergo tremendous changes. Insufficient resources and severe environmental damage pose a serious threat to human security. Therefore, it is very important to utilize limited resources to meet the needs of the population and obtain more and more living space. Therefore, the future trend of civil engineering development should be intensification and low consumption.

2.1 Urban construction will extend to higher and deeper aspects

The socio-economic level is steadily improving, and the number of big cities and mega cities is rapidly increasing. People's demand for housing is also constantly increasing, and every inch of land and every inch of gold has become a common consciousness among urban residents. According to these data, the tallest building in the world is the Polish Long Wave Tower, which stands at 646 meters high. As the tallest building in the world, it has a huge load-bearing capacity, which is a growth trend in the construction industry, with no distance restrictions at high altitudes. Therefore, in terms of technology, building buildings at a certain height is a practical method. High rise buildings combine various activities, including employment, leisure, entertainment, business, shopping, saving resources and land for urban development. Shanghai is currently planning to build a biomimetic building, which will be 1250 meters high and can accommodate 100000 residents. This is a milestone in the history of Chinese architecture and a miracle in the field of world art architecture.

2.2 Rail transit will gradually expand underground

With the development of urban architecture, there are large buildings on the ground, such as shops, supermarkets, and comprehensive commercial buildings, which are isolated from natural light, natural ventilation, and natural scenery. At the same time, the development of underground space is extensive and interconnected, integrating environmental and ecological materials, products, technologies, and processes into the underground. Through sunken construction, sunlight, green plants, and other visible elements, the above ground and underground spaces are well integrated. In terms of roads, the contradiction between urban supply and demand has been resolved. At the same time, it is necessary to build roads and maintain large-scale projects, such as bridges and underground tunnels, which require the construction of large-span bridges and tunnels. As for the construction of railway transportation, China is currently in progress and the development of underground space is beginning. It is worth noting that the maturity of material conditions has provided opportunities for the development of underground space in China. From the development and use of underground space, the main factor is cost. If low-cost land can still be obtained in underground spaces, then developing underground spaces is not easy. If the total cost of constructing underground space is relatively low, then constructing underground space will be the future development trend.

2.3 Port and waterway engineering projects will expand into the ocean and desert areas

The Earth is called the "water ball". 70% of the area is the ocean, and 30% is land. Therefore, fully utilizing ocean resources based on technological conditions is an innovative task that humanity is constantly expanding. The ocean is more complex than land, but its enormous potential is a huge temptation for humanity. With the passage of time and the advancement of science and technology, people have achieved some amazing achievements in the field of civil engineering in the ocean. China's ports have the largest and rapidly developing large-scale ports among global shipping ports.


This article analyzes the current development status of civil engineering technology from the aspects of civil engineering being in a rapid development stage, actively introducing various new building materials and using prestressed technology, and improving the structural design of civil engineering. It also analyzes the development trend of civil engineering from the aspects of urban construction extending to higher and deeper areas, rail transit gradually expanding to underground areas, and port and waterway engineering projects expanding to the ocean and desert areas. At present, many civil engineering fields in China are at the forefront of the world, but compared with developed countries, the overall level of theoretical research in civil engineering in China still needs to be continuously improved. In the future, in addition to strengthening theoretical research on new structures, new building materials, and new technological resources, we should also strengthen the reference and learning of technology from developed countries. It is also necessary to strengthen the integration of civil engineering theory and civil engineering technology to achieve new results.


[1] Ding Dajun. New Progress in Civil Engineering in China [J]. Journal of Huaiyin Institute of Technology, 2019 (05)

[2] Lv Zhitao. Progress in Civil Engineering Activities and Pre stressing Technology in China in the New Century [J]. Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 2014 (08)

[3] Sun Shiguo. Discussion on the Development Trends of Civil Engineering in China in the 21st Century [J]. Journal of North China University of Technology, 2018 (06)

[4] Zhang Xiaoxia. How to Reasonably Utilize Land in Cities Against the Background of Accelerating Urbanization in China in the New Era [J]. Civil Engineering in the New Era, 2019 (03)

Source: "China's Real Estate Industry - First Ten Days" by Chen Honggang

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