Dealer Plan

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Night Photography Of The Upcoming Completion Of The Fifth Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge

60 years ago in 1960, the construction of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge began, witnessing the miracle of the Chinese people overcoming internal and external troubles in building the bridge; In 2020, 60 years later, Nanjing has built its fifth Yangtze River Bridge on the Yangtze River, witnessing the vigorous development of the new China's construction achievements!

Nanjing Yangtze River Fifth Bridge, abbreviated as Nanjing Yangtze River Fifth Bridge, also known as Meizizhou Cross River Passage; Located about 5 kilometers downstream of Nanjing Yangtze River Third Bridge; About 13 kilometers upstream of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, with a total length of 11.99 kilometers, there will be no toll stations after completion.

Now, the Nanjing Yangtze River Fifth Bridge, which is about to be completed and opened to traffic, has become a magnificent sight, a source of pride for people, and a must visit place for photography enthusiasts to create and take photos.

On the afternoon of May 16th, a member of the China Photographers Association, a contracted photographer from National Geographic Chinese Network, and a teacher from Nanjing "Happy Shura" came here with a group of photography enthusiasts. He guided everyone to use techniques such as long exposure and multiple exposure in photography to shoot the Nanjing Yangtze River Five Bridges before sunset; As night fell, Teacher Shura personally demonstrated, using the bridge as the background, waving the steel wool in his hand, and using methods such as spinning in place, running and dancing, and curving to integrate the beautiful "fireworks" halo of the steel wool with the bridge. Let everyone learn different techniques from conventional photography through reasonable long exposure combinations and clever composition; In the transformation of light and shadow, record the unique charm of light and shadow of the bridge at different time periods, striving to present the most perfect side of the bridge to people's eyes.

That night, splendid fireworks bloomed passionately for the Nanjing Yangtze River Five Bridges!