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300 Billion Yuan Bridge Collapses Overnight, Vietnam Shamelessly Forces China To Compensate, China: Idiotic Dreams


With the rapid development of technology, China has been at the forefront of the world in many fields. Taking the construction industry as an example, China has become a world leader and the world's number one engine in the field of construction. So there is the title of infrastructure maniac, and buildings from Chinese construction teams around the world are well-known. For example, the Bridgeg River Valley cable-stayed bridge in Morocco, the Addis Ababa urban light rail in the capital of Ethiopia, the Kamchik Tunnel on the Ampah Railway, the Addis Ababa Djibouti Railway, and the Tanzania Zambia Railway all demonstrate the super strong technology of Chinese architecture

一、Event Introduction

China's construction industry is becoming increasingly powerful, so countries want to invite Chinese construction teams to build a magnificent building in their own countries to demonstrate their country's strength and friendly attitude towards China. However, precisely because China is too strong in the construction industry, under this halo, it not only demonstrates the superb level of China's construction industry, but also magnifies the public opinion lens of the Chinese construction team. The saying goes, there are pros and cons.

Just recently,a 300 billion dollar bridge in Vietnam collapsed overnight. Once this report was broadcasted, the Vietnamese people became extremely angry, with about a million people gathered together to protest against China and demand corresponding compensation. At this point, everyone will have some questions. Why did the bridge built in Vietnam collapse and Vietnamese people have to challenge China? Do you still demand compensation from China for the losses? Isn't this unreasonable and noisy?

Actually, why is there such a huge amount of public opinion, and it also involves China? This starts with China extending a helping hand to the world and helping countries with construction.

二、Story Description

China, known as the "infrastructure maniac" and "ambassador for maintaining world peace," always chooses to help countries that have not yet fully developed in the same field after reaching a certain level of development. In terms of infrastructure, China's infrastructure strength has long been recognized by countries around the world, including the so-called world number one United States, which dare not challenge China in this field. Under the shining halo, many developing countries hope to invite Chinese construction teams to help improve the infrastructure industry in their own countries, and Vietnam, which is very proud, is no exception.

Recently, Vietnam has invited Chinese bridge construction experts to help improve the infrastructure industry in the country, with a cost of 300 billion yuan for the bridge. Vietnam has invited Chinese experts to help. And now, this bridge collapsed overnight. After learning about this matter, the Vietnamese people incited public opinion and demanded compensation from China. This incident also sparked heated discussions among Chinese netizens.

In fact, before inviting China, Vietnam had been cooperating with Japan. However, Vietnam, which had no value orientation, ultimately chose to abandon Japan and turn to cooperate with China, which made Japan very angry and unwilling. This time, just as Vietnam and China were signing an agreement hoping that we could help them build a bridge, Japan seized the opportunity and intervened, offering lower construction costs and more loans to Vietnam as conditions, allowing Vietnam to turn and cooperate with them. Unable to resist the temptation, Vietnam suddenly changed its mind, reneged on cooperation with China, and turned back to Japan.

However, Japan only built a "rotten bridge" for them just to breathe a sigh of relief. Not only was the quality not up to standard, but even the road surface was bumpy and bumpy. After being teased by Japan, Vietnam turned back to China in anger and asked for help in building this 3000 billion dollar bridge.

Because this is a huge project, the difficulty level of construction is very high. However, the generous China chose to forget the previous small incident, clear the ice with Vietnam, and invest efforts to help Vietnam build the bridge. So, this bridge collapse incident also caused a huge uproar on the internet.

However, this matter is not at fault with China, but in Vietnam, there are two reasons for it: first, the quality of the bridge construction materials provided by Vietnam is not up to standard. In fact, for Sino Vietnamese cooperation in bridge construction, the Chinese side is only responsible for designing drawings, while the procurement of resources is handled by Vietnam. However, the raw materials chosen by Vietnam, which is profit oriented, are of poor quality. They are all passing the test by passing it off as inferior. Chinese construction experts have since harshly reprimanded the Vietnamese procurement party and repeatedly warned them not to seek cheap prices. Materials must pass the test, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. However, Vietnam did not follow the Chinese warning and still used inferior materials to make up for the numbers. So this is one of the foreshadowings of bridge collapse.

Secondly, each bridge has a bearing capacity limit. In addition to daily maintenance, it is also necessary to limit the flow and strictly screen the weight of passing vehicles during use. It is found that overloaded vehicles cannot pass through. After building this bridge, China has repeatedly reminded Vietnam that the bridge cannot be overloaded and that vehicles must be strictly scrutinized. Any slight negligence can result in unimaginable consequences.

But Vietnam remained unmoved and instead aimed to quickly obtain economic benefits to make up for the cost of building the bridge. Once the bridge was completed, Vietnam immediately put it into use without any buffer period. Vietnam is only driven by crazy profits, and as long as it pays, it doesn't care if the vehicles are overloaded.

With inferior raw materials and excessive use, and without a proper care period, the result of this expensive bridge construction can only be a complete collapse. But when the Vietnamese people heard that the bridge had collapsed, they gathered together in an attempt to use public opinion to force China to bow down and provide compensation. But this calculation was always misplaced, and after China knew the cause and effect of the situation, its response to the other party was four words: "Foolish people talk dreams."

三、Event Summary

In this matter, Vietnam not only did not summarize its mistakes, but also turned the tables and said that China's infrastructure technology is just like that, and even if the quality of the bridge is not up to standard, it dares to take it out, and scoffs at China's infrastructure industry.

This inappropriate approach is truly chilling. I think that in the future, when it comes to national diplomacy, even when it comes to making personal decisions, it is still necessary to weigh the other party's style of work and attitude towards the world. It is not advisable for countries or individuals like Vietnam to cooperate or even make friends, driven solely by their own interests and without considering their own reasons. Otherwise, good intentions will not be rewarded and one will be injured.

The story of farmers and snakes is constantly unfolding in this world. We hope to keep our eyes open, choose good friends, and develop together.

Do you have your own opinions or insights after understanding the causes and consequences of the situation? Welcome to share and discuss the progress of the times and the changes in history in the comment section. I will be with you!